Organizing Committee Member

Georgi Gladyshev

Georgi Gladyshev

Russian Academy of Arts


Georgi Pavlovich Gladyshev was born on 19 September 1936 in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. He graduated from the Chemistry Department of the State University in Alma-Ata in 1959 and received the Degree of Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) in 1962 and a Doctorate Degree in Polymer Chemistry in 1966. He became Professor of Physical Chemistry in 1969 and in 1970 Chief of the Laboratory at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR (Russian) Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Since 1968 he has been a visiting professor and Scientific adviser at several state universities, industrial plants, and firms. In 1989 he was elected President of the Academy of Creative Endeavors of the USSR (now - the International Academy of Creative Endeavors). Professor Gladyshev, is a member of many associations, societies and academies. He is also the recipient of many honors and awards, including the Willard Gibbs Gold Medal. He is the author of more than five hundred scientific articles, patents and ten monographs in the fields of Physical Chemistry, Life Science and Polymer Chemistry. His latest monographs include "Thermodynamics and Macrokinetics of Natural Hierarchical Processes" (Nauka, Moscow, 1988), “Thermodynamic theory of the evolution of living beings” (Nova Science Pub., INC., N.Y., 1997), “Supramolecular thermodynamics is a key to understanding phenomenon of life. What is life from a physical chemist’s viewpoint”, M., 2002; Second Edition - Moscow – Izhevsk, 2003. He has conducted research in the fields of polymer chemistry, physical chemistry, biology (chemical kinetics, the physicochemical mechanism of the formation of the planetary system, the mechanism of chirality formation, the nature of ball lightning, biological evolution and aging). He has created the thermodynamics theory of origin of life and biological evolution. Thermodynamic theories of behavior and aging of living beings and physicochemical dietetics were created. The dietetics allowed predicting optimum diets and food additives favoring healthy long life.

Research Area

Gladyshev Georgiy Pavlovich, known to the world as the author of works in the field of physical chemistry, chemical technology, chemistry of high molecular compounds, physical chemistry of the atmosphere and the solar system, biological and sociological thermodynamics, physico-chemical medicine and gerontology. Developed the theory of Dzh.U. Gibbs applied to complex heterogeneous systems and created the foundations of hierarchical thermodynamics; discovered the law of temporal hierarchies; created the thermodynamic theory of biological evolution (phylogeny) and aging (ontogenesis); discovered the principle of stability of matter; showed that hierarchical thermodynamics is the foundation of the theory of natural selection of C. Darwin and A. Wallace; created the foundations of sociological thermodynamics; created the fundamentals of dietetics thermodynamics and proposed a scale of the gerontological value of food, introduced the idea of thermodynamic natural design. He proposed a physicochemical model for the formation of planetary systems, predicting the existence of the rings of Uranus and Neptune and the existence of rings in young stars and exoplanets. He created models for the emergence of asymmetry in the biosphere; developed a model of ball lightning; He created technologies for the synthesis and stabilization of polymers and introduced them with large economic effects. All the basic theoretical work was carried out without co-authors. Advised a number of scientific, industrial enterprises of the USSR, Russia and Western countries. He lectured at the leading universities of Russia, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Germany, Czechoslovakia, China, the USA, Canada, Japan, other countries, lecturing (physical chemistry, chemistry of high-molecular compounds, molecular biology, physico-chemical medicine and pharmacology).

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